Call 678-381-1687 to schedule a virtual or in-person appointment
College-Bound Fundamentals
It's high school graduation season!
A time of intense emotions ranging from excitement and joy to apprehension and fear. College-Bound Fundamentals Coaching is designed to alleviate common fears, develop skills, and share strategies and information to help our new graduates make a successful transition to college life.
The gift of customized coaching provides you with peace of mind and your child with the skills and confidence to successfully reach their personal and academic potential as they live away from home for the first time.
Cost of coaching includes assessments of college-readiness and study habits.
Study habits and study skills
Test anxiety
Time management and organization
Planning and goal-setting
Personal Care & Wellness
Rethinking stress
Self-regulation and peer pressure
Healthy eating away from home
Sleep hygiene
Life Skills
Taking responsibility
Managing appointments, schedules and calendar
Managing household responsibilities (cleaning, laundry, shopping)
Contact Jeannine Jannot for more information or to schedule.